Useful local contacts

Central Middlesex Hospital020 8965 5733
Northwick Park Hospital020 8864 3232
Willesden General Hospital (no A&E)020 8459 1292
Minor Accident Treatment Centre
For age 5 and over (Wembley Centre for Health and Care) 8am to 8pm every day
020 8903 1323
Health / Support information
Age Concern (Brent)020 8965 7711
Asian Women’s Resource Centre020 8961 6549
Brent Alcohol Counselling Service020 7625 6885
Brent Community Drug Service020 7624 2077
Child Line0800 1111
Citizens Advice Bureau0845 0505 250
Dental emergencies (NHS)020 8907 6120
Education Information Line0891 111350
National Blood Donor Service020 8200 7777
National Council for One Parent Families020 7428 5400
NHS Direct (Advice line run by experienced nurses)0845 46 47
Rape Crisis Centre020 7837 7600
Relate020 8427 8694
Samaritans020 8459 8585
Smokers Quit Line0800 00 22 00
Victim Support Line0845 303 0900
Women’s Support Group (Domestic Violence)020 8572 8656
Pharmacies / Chemists
Jade’s Pharmacy020 8902 0173
Peace Pharmacy020 8904 2071
RJ’s Pharmacy020 8902 4698
Nik’s Pharmacy020 8902 5047
Other useful numbers
Brent Council020 8937 1234
Brent Primary Care Trust020 8795 6000
Wembley Police Station020 8903 1212